Friday 5 September 2008

A Fresh Start

Friday, September 5, 2008. I am still 17 and "officially" moved out of home. By home I mean homestay. What a rush it was for me to grab all my belongings and fled out of the house. Technically cause the house was to be opened for inspection and others who are interested in renting it. I am going to miss it because it was a new house and clean and most importantly, I had a huge room.

Gah. What am I complaining about? Isn't this what I wanted? A more independent lifestyle? To rent a room and live-in with my friends? It is but I'm so financially tight, it's becoming ridiculous. Since I lost my wallet, I've been living off cash. Cash that is technically my mother's (for the flight ticket) and Zom's. It's ridiculous how money zooms out of reach when you need it. Guess this is a lesson for me not to waste anymore money.

Moving is hectic and a pain for me. I hate it. It's absolutely painful. I adapt well but I guess I want to find my "home". A place where I can keep and make new memories. A place where I can keep all my junk and not having to throw memories away. Travelling is a different story. You travel, but you'll always have a "home" to go back to.

1 comment:

CH Voon said...

Wah... a young and independent girl hehehe