Monday 4 August 2008

Life's Philosophy

I am a girl.
A very lucky girl.
In fact, so lucky that she has been sponsored or should I say,
Given the chance to study abroad.
In my case, I think I do not deserve it.

Gift from Heaven.
What ever you call it. I am Lucky.
But why so Sad?
That I do not know.

I am blessed to have or own anything I want.
And I am grateful
for I have experienced
What it was like
Not being able to get what I want.

I stood outside the balcony,
whilst my friend was asleep.
Dwindling in thoughts that was once forgotten
and now revived.

I stood outside
Staring at the sky whilst it set
Burning flames setting --deminished
Only to be reborn again tomorrow.
I wonder why
Why am I so unhappy?

I have everything a girl should have
But yet my heart yearns for something.
Something I do not have or have not experienced.

I do not understand.
Why the pain lingered
as I stand outside the balcony with a wonderful view
I see people going home from work
And I wonder --Are they all so happy and ever satisfied?

Or is it just me?

Life is kind and yet so harsh, as many has said before me
Inside, lies great deep sorrow.
Yes, oh insolent child
You ungrateful thing.

Life passes me by
And I wonder day by day
Whether if life of Routine
is the Route to Happiness?
Or is it just the stereotypical way
in which our ancestors taught us.

I fear of dying alone
The fear much greater than that of nightmares.
I realised some time ago that

"Happiness only real when shared."

I then realised that I have not shared.
I have not loved.

I am young but I want to know
What it is like to be loved or to love
Solitude - A state in which I'm in.
No. I am surrounded by people
But why do I say that I'm suffering from Solitude?

I'm lying to myself, day by day,
Blinded myself not to see
What is most obvious to me.
I long for the day I meet The One.
Than shall my thirst be quenched
and thus say

"I am free"

Free from the lies that I'm drowning myself in.
Free from the chains in which Solitude has chained me tight.
Free from being everything I'm not.

Only strangers ever can see the real me.

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F.R.E.D.Y said...


Come chat at gmail too!

CH Voon said...

i think you homesick la...

Miss your family ke?

Am i right? only few years to go... keep it oh..

CH Voon said...

OK OK ... you not homesick...

Then...nothing to do....

Fikir bukan bukan barang ahahaahaha

KenChia said...

nice poem...