Tuesday 12 August 2008

Poker Night

In the afternoon, we headed off to Wong's for some Malaysian/Singaporean food, which is near Karrawarra. This was on Saturday and omg..they had Assam Laksa! Damn, how I missed it! So now I know that when I crave for it I go to Wong's!Couldn't resist Takeshi's Harry Potter glasses. And I have a moon-face here. Shut up.

After Wong's, we dropped Bell home as she wasn't feeling to well and headed off to the shooting range. This time I got the rifle! Hhaha and I beat Omar's ass at that. What can I say? I'm a violent woman XD Then we got the revolver out and I still manage to beat Omar at the showdown hahaha poor Omar. I'm sorry but I have to record this and online too!

Takeshi and Iggy the pug!

At night we picked up Bell and went to another Malaysian cafe in Victoria Park and had Teh Tarik. It's been a LOOONG time since I had some of it.

After the initial teh tarik, my pulse was racing and the next thing I know I ran to the toilet to puke. Bleh. That wasn't a good feeling.

We arranged the table and chips and played poker. I admit, I sucked at it! And thankfully it wasn't strip poker, if not I'd be naked by the end of it!

The whole night, food didn't sit too well with me. I don't know why.

And am still empty on the inside.

Will someone fill me up?

1 comment:

CH Voon said...

Hahaha lucky you not play strip poker!

Who cook the Asam? Nice or not? hehehe

Loook like ganster play poker bo hehehe

:p sorry to say that!