Tuesday 19 August 2008

MCI 101 -- 1st Assignment Marks

MCI 101 is one of the most boring subject that a Mass Communication student can ever take in Curtin International College. All the lecturer does is to read from the book that we already have and we were like "WTF are we doing here when we can do this on our own at home?!!!!!". Simple answer: Attendence is worth like 5-10%. And if you're an international student, 80% attendence is crucial.

My first assignment is like on any topic that proves to have a good argument. I chose Abortion. It's a goddamn topic that people have done it for some time. But nontheless, I couldn't be arsed to do anything that someone hasn't done before. I got 72.5% for it. T_T
I wanted a higher mark, but a distinction isn't too bad. Hopefully I can get a distinction in this unit, cause I couldn't get a distinction in any of my subjects last semester. Only 2 credits and a pass. Pathetic right?

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