Friday 28 November 2008

Do you think I'm a freaking Ciggy Dispenser??

WTF? Is there a stamp on my forehead that reads "FREE CIGGARETTES! ASK FOR ONE AND TAKE THREE FOR FREE!!!". Motherfuckers be warned, if you ask me for a ciggarette I normally don't refuse your want, but helping yourself to my ciggarette pack is over-the-top. Did your parents forget to teach you any manners? Or should I say, don't you feel shameless when you start leeching ciggarettes off someone you don't really know that well. Well fuck you. Over the past year, I admit I have taken a ciggarette or two from friends and classmates that smoke, BUT at least I have the courtesy to ask for one more and they are more than happy to supply me with a few sticks. For the past week, every second day I have to go to the convenience store from around the corner to stock up on my ciggies. A normal pack normally lasts me around four to five days but since the leeching started, it's been used up faster than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Well, what can I do now? Just have to hide my ciggarettes everytime I go outside for a smoke. Give and quickly retrieve.

I hate leechers.

1 comment:

Sam said...

I know this sounds lame and old fashioned, but PLEASE try to stop's not good for ur health... Try to kick that habit out of u because it will not do any good to u...