Saturday, 22 December 2007

Me-Sha = New Baby Sitter

Suffering from a late night yesterday due to my addiction to blogging and chatting, I was awoken by a loud knock on the door. With only 6 hours worth of sleep, I lazily slopped around the room trying to find a decent pair to clothes to match with. I grabbed the nearest t-shirt which was recently bought which is in fashion with today's faded cartoon characters. Mine had the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street saying Me Love Cookies. That is true.

The first stop was in Brisbane to see Andrew's daughter's daughter, Phebe Lee (Yes, Mother's husband is a grandfather. He has a grandson and now a granddaughter). Phebe was about 6 weeks premature as she was due in late February next year. She was tiny!!!! It was the first time I've seen a baby in an incubator. Her skin was pink and translucent as you can see the veins beneath it (Forgot to mention that Phebe is only 6 days old). I did not take any photos as I did not want to provoke the nurses' hawking eyes.

A cool mosiac work found infront of the hospital. Quite a wonky cross. Can't figure out whether it's a P or a cross. Make up your mind!

Later we headed to my mother's friend's house in Underwood. She had a 2 month old baby named Vanessa. With cheeks so chubby it was hard to resist the temptation to pinch it. And yes I admit it. I pinched Vanessa's cheeks. Lightly of course - I don't think I want the baby's mother to be upon me! Vanessa's older brother, Samuel was having his afternoon nap but Sophia, the mother of Vanessa and Samuel, decided that he had enough sleep and woke him up to bring him out. The last time I saw him, he was just a tiny one and couldn't walk. Now he's this toddler of a year and a half and walking! He looks like an animated doll.

Baby Vanessa and oh!-so-pinchable-cheeks. And no, her name is not Mesha Chow. I'm just too lazy to tag blog address on.

Baby Samuel last year. Florian was there too. Hehe.. Jan.. don't drool on my page please.

Samuel was a shy kid when his mother brought him out. Speaking in Cantonese she asked him to say hello but all he would do is to turn away. Late when he eventually warmed up to us, he decided I should be the baby-sitter. For me, it was definitely strange.

Here's one fact about me: Babies don't like me. They cry whenever I want to hold them and this was proven to me by the countless times I tried carrying one. Whether it's the way I carry them or something, I couldn't figure it out. Vanessa is DEFINITELY one baby I like. All she'd do is sleep, drink milk, fart, poop and the cyle continues. And when she sleeps she doesn't wake up unless you out her down. She likes human contact. Finally, I found a baby that does not cry when I carry her!! ~Woot~

Then another strange thing happened. When Samuel started warming up to us, he came up to me and looked at me and stretched out his arms and waits. Baby language = I want to be carried. Me?? Surely I was dreaming. Mother was always the one that babies go to but this toddler wants me? I must be doing something right nowadays.

Older Samuel now -sitting on a shoe rack eating his dried guava in a boy on the table like a good boy. That is until he showed his cheeky grin. Then you know he's up to something.

So I became the sitter, he'd grab a stool, come over to me and point it. Yes. He did that and he's only 1 and a half. Pretty smart for a toddler eh? His mother also told us that when he wants to be carried when his sister is getting the attention, he'd grab a pillow, put it next to his mother, point to the baby and then point to the pillow and then open his arms out-stretched, indicating that it's his turn to be carried. Cute eh? What's more, he likes helping his mother with his sister and seems to enjoy babies eventhough he's still considered one himself.

Samuel has a toy mop. You'd be thinking "Why did his mother ever buy him a toy mop when he's not even a girl?". Well, get this. Apparently he found it in the toy shop and did not want to let go. So they bought it for him. Samuel also has a magazine which he wanted to show me and only me, of pictures with babies in it and other toddler equipment. His face filled with glee and a smile and he would clap when a picture of a baby showed up and he would look at me. Sweet kid.

It certainly changed my mind on some baby issues I used to have but it still does not change my mind about having my own. Both women today told me that it was extremely painful. Maybe I shall consider adopting one when the time is right.

Me and Baby Vanessa.

Ah..My Dinner.. Tortellini Pollo..Mmm

*BURPS* Hehe..well it was a good dinner *Rubs tummy*

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