Yay!! That's what you may expect to hear from graduates of high school. No more uniform. No more bloody teachers. Even if it's only for a few months before you encounter them in university again.
However, we may think that it is all fun and joy leaving school to get freedom. But now as a graduate from high school, I feel as if something is missing in my life. All this years, we have been getting used to the fact that we have to wake up, get ready and head for school. Now, it's a different story. I wake up and ponder, thinking what to do with my days. Moving and selling stuff....exciting..NOT! No schoolies for me..no getting drunk and rape..haha well now that's a bad joke about schoolies..The reality is the schoolies is where graduates go and celebrate their first step into adulthood. But of course, there's alcohol and sex along the way, especially in Australia. The government has been supplying the locals with condoms.....
Anyways, enough of that talk. I want to record my final moments in Mountain Creek State High School. A few days before the graduating day, I went to the plaza to get my nails done..Yup, not just your average manicure, but the full French acrylic manicure. This IS a sign that mum is letting me out into the real world. But this is days before the grad. Let's take a look at my day routine for that day shall we?
My acrylic French Manicure! For once I have clean white finger tips!
16th November 2007:
7.30 am : Ceremony Practice
10.00 am: Official Ceremony Starts
11:00 am: Guard of Honour (Where all the Year 8's, 9's, 10's and 11's line up along the entrance to the hall and clap and cheer as we exit the school grounds
11.15 am: Mooloolaba Beach Dip
12:30 pm: Hairdo appointment (I opted for a curly with straight bits. In the process of styling my hair, I realised that I did look good with curly hair..I plan to perm my hair one day!)
4:15 pm: Getting ready for Casino Royale 2007
5:30 pm: Night Ceremony begins
~Group photo~ Can you spot me? I'm on the left in black
We also had cake that night but the fact that I did not get to taste the cake was rather disappointing! The reason would be that the small cake would not be able to feed all 359 students at graduation. I also did not manage to see the cake during the ceremony, but mum had a chance to take a photo of it. Good old mum, I knew I could count on her!!!
Photo on the right: A beautiful photo of Vicki and I...*sigh* Look how gorgeous she is! I feel like a hog standing next to her..
9:45 pm: Parents leave and the party time begins!!
Woo~ I certainly enjoyed my time in Mountain Creek High and some fond memories will be left behind. But there's certainly one thing I don't miss - Uniforms!!!!!!!!!!
P.S: A wise person once said: Mr. Peach's comment, "Stay off the grass!" is a metaphor for staying off drugs! Lmao
1 comment:
haha,i wish my graduation was fun too..but too bad..malaysia graduation..suckx^^u r lucky^^
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