Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Oh Mi God

OMFG. I can't believe that this blog is dead.


Now I'm just going to write about the darnest things that happen in my life. Nope. NO PICTARS FOR YOU (imagine Seinfield and the Soup Nazi voice. If you haven't heard it, you suck).

Holidays are here and the depressing thing is: I'm working. Nice people ask whether I'm going back home for a month or am I going anywhere special. No. I'm glued here. I have to work and pay back loans here and there. Gahhh!

I think if anyone were to ask me what I want right now, my obvious answer is a GOOD trip away from all of this. Even for a week it'd be nice. Somewhere with no worries and just plain good old sight seeing or relaxation. Ahh.. There goes the bubble. It popped. Snapped right back into reality.
I actually really would like to go back to KL for a few days and eat to my heart's content. I'm rather sick of sushi and indomee. I miss good food :(
Ok! That sums up my rant and nonsense for the week.


Anonymous said...

And I just got here....well, it could be a break from blogging instead of totally killing it....

Mesha said...

Ahh. Well it depends on your perception of how dead a blog is. A break? More like there's nothing much to blog about and I don't really want to be like other bloggers that I know that blogs every single day - blogs that contain a record of every single minute of their life.

Mine is just a place to vent frustrations and also record events that may be important for me to remember when I do look back one day.

And oh, how rude of me. May I ask who are you?