Wednesday, 17 June 2009

From Me to You

It sometimes takes the hard times, to show how much I love you;
Just how much I need to always have you near.
And even though I know it, I still have to learn it.
The hard times help to teach me, just how much I care.

For when the hard times bring us back together
We are always closer than before
Then I realize I love you better, and I am
Thankful for the hard times, that make me love you more.

A lot of things can happen, if we go on together.
We can't know just what, the future has in store.
I'll love you in the glad times, the easy and the sad times.
And even in the hard times, I will love you more.

For when the hard times bring us back together
We are always closer than before
Then I realize I love you better, and I am
Thankful for the hard times, that make me love you more.

If It Was Only A Love Letter.

Even though we fight a lot, I love you.
We fight, I think, because the stakes are high.
I sometimes get so mad I cannot stand you,
But underneath my anger I could cry.
I have an uncontrolled need to control you,
To be your only destiny and guide.
I know it isn't fair to try to mold you,
But my poor love's entangled in my pride.
Ah, love! Please love me even in my fury,
Which rises like a tide beneath the moon.
I plead before my only judge and jury:
I want to change, but know change won't come soon.
Love finds it hard to let the loved one be
The person who is loved so passionately.

Something From Joel. Depressing Shit.

You can shed tears that she is gone,
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her only that she is gone,
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.

*shakes fist at Joel*

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Oh Mi God

OMFG. I can't believe that this blog is dead.


Now I'm just going to write about the darnest things that happen in my life. Nope. NO PICTARS FOR YOU (imagine Seinfield and the Soup Nazi voice. If you haven't heard it, you suck).

Holidays are here and the depressing thing is: I'm working. Nice people ask whether I'm going back home for a month or am I going anywhere special. No. I'm glued here. I have to work and pay back loans here and there. Gahhh!

I think if anyone were to ask me what I want right now, my obvious answer is a GOOD trip away from all of this. Even for a week it'd be nice. Somewhere with no worries and just plain good old sight seeing or relaxation. Ahh.. There goes the bubble. It popped. Snapped right back into reality.
I actually really would like to go back to KL for a few days and eat to my heart's content. I'm rather sick of sushi and indomee. I miss good food :(
Ok! That sums up my rant and nonsense for the week.