Thursday 22 January 2009

First Nuffnang Gathering in Perth

No. I'm not some pretentious, wanna-be famous blogger just cause I went to a Nuffnang event. I really wanted to see and interact with some of the local bloggers here in Perth.

Guess what.

Perth's Nuffnang gathering was small.

I mean really small. Like what? Some 20 bloggers?

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From right to left: Will, [I have no clue who], Vern Tee, Martyn, Me, Marie and her friend.

Bottom image: Ming and Vern Tee

Ok. The bright side of things is that I've met Karen Cheng and a few other interesting bloggers like Vern Tee and Will. Oh not to mention Ming [co-founder of Nuffnang] and Martyn [Nuffnang Australia Supervisor].

Karen Cheng and I

Nuffnang's co-founder, Ming.

Going to such meetings where they actually gave a speech really made think. Should I do Advertising and Marketing as my minor? Or should I go for PR instead?


Decisions, decisions, decisions....

*Head explodes*


David Cheong said...

awesome! hope that the blogger community will grow more and more =D

joshuaongys said...

that's a good start!!! way to goooooooo!!!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

haha, i was expecting about five people! So yeah, the meet quadrupled my expectations.

Advertising or PR? I thought you wanted to be a flight attendant to meet a dashing young pilot?

Mesha said...

Hahahha 5 people? Man you suck.
You should have had higher expectations for Perth mate!

Advertising or PR AS a MINOR in my degree. I do still want to be a flight attendant. Don't know about the dashing young pilot though!