Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Tagged by Li Ying

Ok ok ok..This I've definately done before... but what the heck - Here's another 8 random facts about MEsha.

  1. I once blew up a condom with water and threw it from the balcony at a friend's 18th birthday party.

  2. I aspire to be a full goth one day.
  3. I have fascinations about the Middle East and plan to travel around the Middle East someday (Soooo wanna go Turkey!!! Egypt is a cool place too!). Did I mention that I also like some Middle Eastern men? XD hahha
  4. I mix better with guys than girls.
  5. I'm a hopeless romantic.
  6. I'm a spendaholic -- remember, not a shopaholic!
  7. I love to eat marinated seaweed!
  8. I hate the heat. Melt at the first presence of heat and humidity!

There you go. So now no one can complain that I haven't completed their tags blah blah blah. I swear if I have to do another one of these "Random Facts About You" tags, I'm gonna blow!

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