Thursday, 5 April 2007


Our world is filled with suffering. We suffer from disease, natural disasters, wars and extreme poverty in some countries.

Many suffer greatly from diseases such as cancer, HIV, AIDS and etc. They affect us greatly upon our lives. Surely no one will want to contract such diseases. If man's knowledge of science is so great, why aren't there people cured from such diseases? Many people die on the account of not getting the proper treatment. Science does take time, but how many more will suffer in account? We have waited for a long period, how much longer will it take?

Who controls the earth? There are many answers to that one. Some say God, some say men. If men were to rule and control the earth, can't they have stopped the earthquakes and tsunamis from happening? In fact, men can't help it with these problems, thus we can assume that men cannot rule or control everything. Those who believe in God, will say that God controls the earth. But why then is he so unmerciful that he sends tidal waves, earthquakes and erupting volcanoes? They may say that it is his right to take the lives of those that he need in heaven. But the fact is, that He was suppose to be kind, merciful and loving, not a being that takes the life of others because he wants to. Nor does the story of how you will be sent to Hell is true either, if you truly question yourself, how loving is God when he sends you into a burning chamber to be tortured for eternity by demons? Remember that the demons are not on God's side, why would they then help God to torture the condemned ones?

Wars, caused by men for the desire to colonialise other's land. Greed is the sheer sin that is reflected upon us. Wars have sent millions of people to their grave for the sake of their country. Do you think the government cares? Recently in Australia, pensioners that were ex-soldiers weren't even taken care of properly, whent they were suppose to be taken care of for life. Politicians takes the advantage of the fact that many would die for their country. I wouldn't.
This reflects once again that men can't rule over us properly. How are we ever going to have a world that is peaceful?

We have to work together and put all thoughts of hatred and greed aside to actually be as one. Being one wouldn't be such a bad idea as then there will be no war for land, famine as the government will supply food for their people and cure them of their sickness. This is the spirit of togetherness. Together, we will succeed.

*these questions were raised to promote awareness of the society's perception of today.

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