Monday, 1 February 2010

Life is a Gamble

Gambling is a thing you have to do in life. Taking risks and not regretting any decisions you make. It's either you gain or you lose. It's 50/50 really. However, whatever decision you make is also based on the strategic approach you take on. Like Texas Hold'em Poker, you can either be a passive aggresive or just plain aggressive.

When time is short and valuable, I suppose it is best to plan your life ahead of you but there is really no fun in that, personally speaking. Furthermore, life cannot be really planned as unseen circumstances do arise - either for the better or for worse. Like gambling, in life, you should also learn from your mistakes and avoid repeating the mistake if the problem arises again. Improve your strategy and make it stronger. You are the player and life is the dealer. Trying to play the cards given to you right is hard but that is the way it is I suppose. Some people get better cards [luck?] and they have a higher chance of winning if they play their cards right. Play it wrong and the good cards may be wasted. Playing with bad cards may be hard but hey, in games like Big 2, you might end up beating other players with good cards if you play them right. I suppose that is how quotes like "Play your cards right" came about.

So much things to think and ponder and personal life philosophies are nice to blog about. But sometimes it gets too much. Too much as I personally can't live by them everytime. Somewhere somehow, in the end, we are all hypocrites.

Sometimes playing with the unexpected is exciting and adrenaline rushing but like most other games that you gamble with, in the long run, you lose. Same with life isn't it? No matter how much you accomplish, we all die.

Ah, life! Why are you so cruel to us?