Look at all the Asians! It's amazing...! Can you find me? haha..Hint hint..The guy behind me is picking his nose...Ewwwww.....LMAO
Hint hint: Click it to enlarge it if you must!
Beautiful sunset at Cotton Tree Park..How romantic..shame there's no one else to share this with!
I met alot of Chinese from Hong Kong which was great as then we could speak Cantonese together. How long I have yearned to speak my mother-tongue..! It was nice... I also met a fellow Malaysian girl, a few more Japanese and a Korean guy. We ended up playing basketball and soccer which I particularly enjoyed..
Ryan (H.K), some Jap chick and Alice..also a Jap..
I realised that most of the Chinese lived near where I live in Chancellor Park and thought that I should catch a bus with them..but the Malaysian girl offered to take me home.. How sweet..This really proves that friends can be easily made.. with precautions of course..Safety first!!!!!!!!!
2 Japs & 1 Malaysian chinese..I'm outnumbered by the Japs! Me on the far right smashing my face against Alice..lol