Tuesday, 7 August 2007

New Friendship

Friends can be easily made and can be easily found. Just recently, I was invited to a gathering at Cotton Tree Park by an international student, Alice. I met Alice in the school via my teacher..lol both of us thought she was either Korean or Chinese but in fact she was Japanese from Tokyo. Anyways, I went there to hang out when I discovered that it wasn't only her and the other Japanese students from our school..but there was this whole heap of Asians..I was like..."Wow!Where did they come from?" On the Sunshine Coast, it is hard to see the Asians walking on the streets let alone bunch up together.

Look at all the Asians! It's amazing...! Can you find me? haha..Hint hint..The guy behind me is picking his nose...Ewwwww.....LMAO
Hint hint: Click it to enlarge it if you must!

Beautiful sunset at Cotton Tree Park..How romantic..shame there's no one else to share this with!

I met alot of Chinese from Hong Kong which was great as then we could speak Cantonese together. How long I have yearned to speak my mother-tongue..! It was nice... I also met a fellow Malaysian girl, a few more Japanese and a Korean guy. We ended up playing basketball and soccer which I particularly enjoyed..

Ryan (H.K), some Jap chick and Alice..also a Jap..

I realised that most of the Chinese lived near where I live in Chancellor Park and thought that I should catch a bus with them..but the Malaysian girl offered to take me home.. How sweet..This really proves that friends can be easily made.. with precautions of course..Safety first!!!!!!!!!

2 Japs & 1 Malaysian chinese..I'm outnumbered by the Japs! Me on the far right smashing my face against Alice..lol