Thursday 6 March 2008

Mesha --> Bored = SHOPPING

"Hmm...That's what I've been looking for all along..."

Thursday = No classes for Mesha. So I booked and made a reservation for 3:30pm to get my hair washed, trimmed and blown dry. $60 AUD..cheaper than the one I went to in QLD. One thing I miss about Malaysian salons is that when you say WASH and BLOW DRY..they actually give you about a 15 minutes worth of a head massage. Here...they wash your hair ( like they don't even scrub your scalp) for about 3 mins and then a rinse. That's it. Finito.

You are probably wondering how much they cost. Well, for such a small job it's around $60 AUD. This is just a standard. Queensland--> $75AUD for a style cut only. Not even a wash..

I arrived in the city around 2:15pm so I had an hour to kill. As a girl, I do what we are meant to do best - SHOP! I walked around and headed to the nearest Valley Girl. They have very stylish outfits for a reasonable price. I'm not those kinda girl which splurges huge amount of money on branded clothes. I would if I find them reasonable. Value for money..The most important thing is quality. You may buy somethings cheap but if their quality sucks (like shrinking when you was it) may as well invest in something good and last for a while.

The Heat!! OMG I hate it..Hate it with a passion! When I was in Katoomba and it was cold, my pimples vanished. Heat= pimples for me. Oh dear! It's Autumn but still feels like Summer. Summer, summer Go Away! Be Gone!

So what did I find at Valley Girl? Well, I'm into the Gothic style though I don't have any clothes as of so. A cardigan would be good for the near future cold I splurged. Hey it's alright once in a while no? Ok OK! I admit it. I have been shopping whenever I go to the city. This is my confession!

Here's what I bought since:

Books for College..oo Wait..The Daily Miracle? I need that!

Make-up Products I bought at I got a mini sample! How Cute!

My Pink Corset Top! I <3>

A cardigan I got..

1 comment:

F.R.E.D.Y said...

ehh i can see yr room very messy la! Why? goin crazy by yrself in the room iziit? hahahhaa... tanjung rambutan is a nice and better place to get crazy!