Thursday 24 July 2008

Mother had a Change of Heart?

Yesterday Mother had a better connection in New Zealand and we had a rather long chat on MSN. Turns out that when I told her about my nose piercing a few days ago, she seemed alright with it. I feared that she'd be mad at me but yesterday she told me something that I'll never forget:

"I don't mind you having a nose piercing. You have a nice nose mah.."

(then I ended up with an inflated head..)

But then I'll never forget how angry she got with my previous tongue-piercing. God help me, she was pissed the last one. Hahahah she seems to avoid that topic nowadays. Or does she just choose to ignore it? I don't know and I also do not want to know. My nose piercing seem to be healing well and happy I made that decision. Mother also stated she wanted a photo, "Haha I can't wait to see it," she said..Did something just possessed my mother? Doesn't sound like her at all. I really don't have a good photo of me with the piercing. *takes out camera* Time for camwhore. Seriously, I don't camwhore that much but sometimes..have to lar..I'm a girl too you know..being vain and all hahahah

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Hahha I love my beanie. I have horns!!!

Tired shot with a piercing.

Then the feeling of being a narcissism came over me and then I took and took and took more photos. Just feel like being a vain bimbo today. Honestly, I'm not usually like this! I don;t know why..maybe because I'm bored and restricted myself from shopping today. Need to save up!

The supposedly Karen Chang pose? How come she gets a pose named after her? Anyone can do it! :P Ok ok I'm just jealous.

I have self-esteem problems ok?! But this pic really does look retarded XD Just posting it for the sake of it. I'm BO-REd!

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