Tuesday 23 December 2008

I Shall Return

Ah. I'll be away for two whole days! Not like it makes a difference nowadays anyways. Yes, I have not been blogging for a while now. Just seemed to me like there was nothing really special to blog about. Ah yes, I nearly forgot about my recent clubbing escapade but I shall do that when I return! Just too knackered to actually blog about it now since I have to wake up at 7am to get ready and why am I not in bed? Am eating a cheeseburger and a slurping away with a frozen coke from McD. I just got back from KTV not long ago. You see, I'm trying to maximise my time and energy of my youth while it still lasts.


It's 2:11am.

I should be in bed.

What can I say?

I'm an owl. But I really should get my fat arse to bed. OK. I'm really going off now.

I shall return.

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