Wednesday 2 April 2008

Got My Tragus Pierced!!

Finally I gathered up the courage and manage to drag myself to the clinic. It was just a casual Thursday afternoon and of course the main reason was that I was bored. Sitting on the train..I recalculated the factors. It looks shouldn't hurt more than the tongue piercing I had since the tongue is thicker than the bad could it get?

Punktured was just part of Off Ya Tree where punk/rock items could be found for sale. I casually walked in. Dressing in just a bright yellow hoodie and black trousers and the earphones sticking out of my ear..I have never felt more manly in my life. The guy who approached me at the counter was someone I would not have dared talk to in my entire life. However, that day I just wasn't frightened of what he looked like. He was just really nice (although he doesn't look gentle). Punktured was a walk in piercing studio to my surprise and I was very glad. If I had waited any later..ther's not doubt my mind that it would be changed. It was $65 AUD..this includes the aftercare spray, the piercing procedure and the gem bar I wanted (it was $5 extra but I figured if I wanted the gem bar anyways and waited until later I would have to spend extra money on another bar). Kodie was the one who did my piercing. No..she's not a man. Though I expected one..She had heaps of piercings through her cheeks and it was so hard to try not to stare.

The needle..looked like the same bloody size as the needle that went through my tongue! Ok..maybe it's been a while since I've looked at a needle but I shuddered at the sight of it. Felt the clamp, then the needle. More like an ant bite! It hurt a bit but the worst part was when she took so long to put the bar through. My tongue piercing was quicker than that! But I guess the tragus is a tricky place to place the bar. The pain was bearable but after that I went into a mild shock. Guess I hadn't eaten..that's all. You might be thinking of the after effect. For those of you who had your ear pierced with a gun. That hurts more than this. There was literally no pain what-so-ever. To my surprise it didn't really hurt at all.

Once I got home I could not wait to look at it in the was fantastic! Kodie used the flat back bar to allow me to listen to music when it's healed a bit more..I'm thinking of getting my left side done too..I'll just see my emotions again..haha maybe next week.

Finally the good news I wanted to tell all readers..I can get my nose pierced when I'm 18!! Or maybe not..haha I think I'll just shock mother with my ear piercings..which I think will have a better response than my nose one..or may as well get all..hhaha


jun said...

Li ying said...

i used my friend's acc to send u a message~