Wednesday 3 September 2008

Hellboy 2 -- The Golden Army

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The time before I managed to get my wallet stolen, I watched Hellboy 2 with much anticipation as I have waited for it long enough. The first Hellboy I watched was in 2004, so four years ago?! In Malaysia, it was stupidly re-named SuperSapien. What a lame name! No wonder when I got home to Google it, I could not find a fucking thing.

Ofelia's encounter with Pan.

With Guillermo Del Toro directing, I anxiously waited for the appearence of the monsters. I watched his previous work, Pan's Labyrinth, and was impressed. Eventhough the monsters look unreal, there was still a surreal touch to it.

Must admit though, that within every Hellboy movie, there's always a bad guy I fall for. The first one I fell for Karl Ruprecht Kroenen, or the dude in the mask. And in this recent one...I fell for Prince Nuada. It is the outfit or the long hair? I just think I have a fetish for male elves :D

Karl Ruprect Kroenen or rather known as Kroenen.

Prince Nuada (walao..check out them abs! *drools*)

Orlando Bloom as Legolas in Lord of the Rings.

This is how Legolas would look like if he turned evil. *sniggers*

Prince Nuada and his twin sister, Princess Nuala.


CH Voon said...

look nice....

Anonymous said...

Hellboy 2's rather awesome. :D
Chat to you soon Mesha :)