Sunday 2 November 2008

Bel's Hen Night n Bel & Takeshi's Wedding

There are some people whom you click with upon meeting and there are some which takes time before you truly know and appreciate them. Bel and Takeshi are people from the first category -friendly and nice - and have proved to be good friends although I've only met them a mere 6 months ago. I met them through Hanny (a guy from uni) --> Hanny's brother, Waleed ---> Waleed's friend, Takeshi ---> Takeshi's fiance, Bel. Pretty complicated huh?
Bel and Takeshi's story is so cute though. I have to blog this one. Bel met Takeshi whilst in Curtin University and that time a room mate. Bel saw him cleaning up rubbish not only from his own unit but for other units too. She found him cute and therefore made effort to talk to him and get to know him better. The funny part is that initially, Takeshi thought Bel was some sort of a bimbo-ish rich girl, sent to Australia just to waste her parent's money. He also thought she was rather silly when she cherished a lil feather duster for the computer when he only bought it at a cheap store. But in the end, they were going out for 7 years! 7 YEARS!! OMG! And they finally tied the knot on November 1, 2008. ~Sigh~ It's so romantic and cute.
Bel and Takeshi are most probably going to move to Melbourne as Bel's sister is there and Bel is going to pursue her post-graduate degree. I am going to miss them when they move :( Even within this short period of time, they proved to be a really, really nice couple which have helped me when I needed help.
The arrangement for Bel's Hen night was even more random. Her best friend added me on Facebook and arranged a surprise dinner (despite the fact she does not know me at all!) and one should have seen the look on Bel's face when she entered the restaurant. Utter shock. What a nice friend to have! And not to mention, the power of Facebook!! Behold! Memories of last semester's Internet Studies is coming back to haunt me!! Noooo..... :(
Bel and her funky hat for night
Spicy Korean Seafood Soup and Noodles
Mesha and Bel
Duxy and Bel

Bel & Takeshi's Wedding

Roley's on the Ridge restaurant
People gathering..

Here comes the bride and groom!

~ Marital Bliss~
Signing the marriage certificate
Officially married!!

Bel's mother, Bel and Takeshi

Takeshi's brother, father, Bel, Takeshi and his mother.

Bel's god-familyTakeshi's Japanese friends
Takeshi's colleagues
Bel's Colleagues

Candid shot of Bel's and Takeshi's friends (I am in the official photo but didn't manage to take it with my camera!) =(

Hanny, Waleed, Bel, Takeshi and Daniel

Daniel and Hanny performing

Cake cutting Ceremony

Chocolate Nut Cocktail
(Frangelico, Baileys, Cream, Creme de Cacao)

It's a tradition with the bride to toss her wedding bouquet into the air whilst single maidens anticipate in catching it for it symbolizes that the maiden who is lucky enough to catch it will be the next to wed. Well.. I hope not. I'm only 18 and I don't want to get married so soon!
Rather, give me a boyfriend instead!!

Managed to get a shot with the couple after a long queue..

First thing's first - I did NOT take this pic! Francis took it! (the guy seated next to me during the function) Hahah but thankfully he did. Now I have a nice memoribilia of the wedding and cute Japanese guys :D

Most of us ended up at Bel's place (for unknown reasons) and planned to have dinner with her later on in the evening. However, relying on Hanny for transport meant having to follow his plans and he wasn't "feeling too well" (a quote which I've heard quite a number of times) and that normally means not going. Gah. Oh well, what could I have done right? Thankfully, called Waleed and somehow ended up with Bel fetching me and all of us had dinner at Ipoh Garden Restaurant. And oh! I finally got my sheesha!! =D
Bel dropped me and Waleed off at Francis' place (he was meant to drop us off) and we ended up staying there til 5:30am after 2 sheesha sessions and Texas Hold'em poker rounds. Francis' home is HUGE. If I'm not mistaken, should be a town house (3 stories). Damn envious man. Francis is around 27, has his own home and 2 fantastic cars and not to mention good looking for a Malaysian! Graduate in Pharmacy and post-graduate in Finance (if I am not mistaken). Moreover a very interesting person. *sigh* And oh-oh! Still single! Bachelorette's dream man. I sincerely hope he does not read this =x

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~Here's to Bel and Takeshi! ~

1 comment:

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